Welcome to the Ku'arlu Mangga (Good Nest) website, and online store. Find out about what we do, how you can get involved, and how to support us. We began as part of the Northampton Old School Community Initiative Inc (NOSCII) and that's why there's a few different names for us. We have been making art here for 15 years, and the original Old School community centre began as Aboriginal space in early 1990s-- 30 years ago.
MESSAGE STICKS and Welcome to Country, Kalbarri Zest Festival


Like us on Facebook @NorthamptonOldSchool and follow us on Instagram @kuarlumangga

Its that time of year again! Revealed Exhibition opens in May our artists are creating! Dont miss the markets last week of MAy
Seroja Recovery Update: Feb 2023
Our art centre and office buildings have been repaired and we relaunched our gallery last August in time for Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair preview as it was our first year in DAAF. It was lovely having face to face visitors and sales again!
Unfortunately we still have a significant hazard in the collapsed verandah alongside the gallery and so we have mainly opened by appointment. We are working hard to overcome this last hurdle and establish regular opening hours from March 2023.
We're going hard - watch this space.
News and updates